Oswald Woodall (1661) of Ullock
in progress
Oswald was born around 1630 and inherited the Ullock property as eldest son.
He married Elizabeth Marshall of Branthwaite Edge, probably sometime in the 1650s, when he would have been around 30.
This is shown, not by the Dean register (that wasn't active) but by the wills of her parents. Her father, John Marshall in his 1660 will (probate 1661), described a daughter as having two children, Oswald and Thomas. Her mother, in her 1661 will, names the daughter as Elizabeth and the husband as Oswald Woodall of Ullock. The detail of 'of Ullock' is helpful because it precludes any suggestion that this Oswald was a son of Oswald Woodall (-1628) of Branthwaite Edge.
It is likely that Oswald and Elizabeth had further children.
The £6 debt, quite possibly part of the marriage contract, is repeated in the inventory.
He was a witness to the will of Thomas Bowman of Ullock Mains in 1676, when he signed (the other witnesses all marked), and a prizer for Thomas' inventory in 1677.
The Oswald who died in 1714 may have been this 1661 Oswald; but they could be father and son, so I'm keeping them separate.
Complicating the picture further, an Oswald Woodall was prizer for the probate inventory of Janet Bell of Ullock in 1670. He marked (an elaborate W) rather than signed.
Item I give unto Oswald Woodall and Thomas Woodall my daughter children either of them twentie shillings [from the December 1660 will of John Marshall of Branthwaite Edge]
Item I doe give and bequeath unto Elizabeth wife of Oswould Woodhall of Ullock the sum of sixe pounds which he is owing me Item I doe give unto two children of the said Oswould the sum of three pounds, the elder have one pound, the younger two pounds [from the 1661 will of Elizabeth Marshall of Branthwaite Edge]
Thomas Woodall (-1733?) of Ullock
By the beginning of the 18th Century, a second line had become established in Ullock. This may be from Thomas. A Thomas Woodall was buried 13-00-1733, not necessarily the same person.